Tuesday, July 24, 2012

In the News-Bob Englehart

Bob Englehart, Indiana-born cartoonist for the Hartford Courant, has channeled another Bob--Bob Kane, co-creator of Batman--for an editorial cartoon published earlier this week. The cartoon shows Batman with tears in his eyes in response to the massacre at the first showing of the newest Batman movie in Aurora, Colorado. The massacre took place on July 20, 2012. Mr. Englehart's cartoon is dated two days later. You can see the cartoon on the website of the Hartford Courant, here.

Copyright 2012, 2024 Terence E. Hanley

In the News-David Horsey

Editorial Cartoonist Weighs in on the Aurora Massacre

David Horsey, Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonist formerly with the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and now with the Los Angeles Times, has weighed in on the recent shooting at an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater. Mr. Horsey's cartoon and editorial, "Despite Colorado Theater Massacre, a Discussion of Guns Is Off Limits," dated July 24, 2012, appear on the website of the Los Angeles Times, here. We should note with some irony that David Horsey's most recent collection of cartoons is entitled Draw Quick, Shoot Straight (2007).

By the way, David Horsey, who was born in Indiana and drew cartoons for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer for many years, moved from that paper to the Los Angeles Times in January 2012. You can read a press release about the move, dated December 19, 2011, on the website of the Northwest Progressive Institute Advocate, here.

Copyright 2012, 2024 Terence E. Hanley